
Cross over sunset

What Year/Date was Jesus Crucified

What Year/Date was Jesus Crucified? Over the centuries there has been much debate over the year and date of Jesus’s crucifixion. Many Christians celebrate Easter ...
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Islamic End Times and the Mahdi

February NewsletterIslamic End Times and the Mahdi Much of Islamic Eschatology is not found in the Koran but in the Hadith. The Sahih (Hadith), second ...
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Setting the Table for the Gog – Magog Invasion of Israel?

January 2024 Newsletter Setting the Table for the Gog - Magog Invasion of Israel? As we enter the year 2024, let’s first review the prophetic ...
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Peace on Earth

The Origins of Palestine (Facts and Fiction)

 December 2023 Newsletter 3 The Origins of Palestine (Facts and Fiction) Tis the Season, when for centuries, Christians have wished each other "Peace on Earth ...
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physics, quantum physics, particles

God’s Jubilee Count Calendar

Newsletter 2 (November 2023) God’s Jubilee Count Calendar In our October Newsletter we established the basis of God’s calendar for Mankind’s time on Earth and ...
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physics, quantum physics, particles

God’s Calendar for Mankind?

Newsletter 1 (October 2023) Welcome Note Welcome to the book AWAKE’s website and our monthly newsletter. In our present day and age, we all receive ...
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space with starts and mist

AWAKE, now is the time to evaluate our spiritual relationship and prepare for our coming Bridegroom.

Matthew 25:1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. ...
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cave with three crosses

Recent Pertinent Prophetic Events

Luke 12:35 "Be ready and dressed. Have your lights burning…. 37 Those servants are happy when their owner finds them watching when he comes. For ...
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AWAKE to New Discoveries

Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and ...
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space with planets and stars

A Fresh End-Times Perspective

Daniel 9:24 "Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people (Israel) and your holy city (Jerusalem) Revelation 6:17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who ...
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Cross over sunset

What Year/Date was Jesus Crucified

What Year/Date was Jesus Crucified? Over the centuries there has been much debate over the year and date of Jesus’s crucifixion. Many Christians celebrate Easter ...
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Islamic End Times and the Mahdi

February NewsletterIslamic End Times and the Mahdi Much of Islamic Eschatology is not found in the Koran but in the Hadith. The Sahih (Hadith), second ...
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Setting the Table for the Gog – Magog Invasion of Israel?

January 2024 Newsletter Setting the Table for the Gog - Magog Invasion of Israel? As we enter the year 2024, let’s first review the prophetic ...
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Peace on Earth

The Origins of Palestine (Facts and Fiction)

 December 2023 Newsletter 3 The Origins of Palestine (Facts and Fiction) Tis the Season, when for centuries, Christians have wished each other "Peace on Earth ...
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physics, quantum physics, particles

God’s Jubilee Count Calendar

Newsletter 2 (November 2023) God’s Jubilee Count Calendar In our October Newsletter we established the basis of God’s calendar for Mankind’s time on Earth and ...
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physics, quantum physics, particles

God’s Calendar for Mankind?

Newsletter 1 (October 2023) Welcome Note Welcome to the book AWAKE’s website and our monthly newsletter. In our present day and age, we all receive ...
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space with starts and mist

AWAKE, now is the time to evaluate our spiritual relationship and prepare for our coming Bridegroom.

Matthew 25:1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. ...
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cave with three crosses

Recent Pertinent Prophetic Events

Luke 12:35 "Be ready and dressed. Have your lights burning…. 37 Those servants are happy when their owner finds them watching when he comes. For ...
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AWAKE to New Discoveries

Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and ...
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space with planets and stars

A Fresh End-Times Perspective

Daniel 9:24 "Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people (Israel) and your holy city (Jerusalem) Revelation 6:17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who ...
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Welcome, I'm Gerry

Gerry S. Sager, appreciates the depths of Scripture and finding ways to explain its mysteries applicable to end-times prophecies. His favorite Bible passages are Luke 11:9–10, and Proverbs 25:2, which have fostered his Christian growth and efforts to glorify God.

With Love,
Gerry S. Sager

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Awake - A Fresh End-times Perspective