Recent Pertinent Prophetic Events

Luke 12:35 “Be ready and dressed. Have your lights burning…. 37 Those servants are happy when their owner finds them watching when he comes. For sure, I tell you, he will be dressed and ready to care for them. He will have them seated at the table.

Following are some headline news events that we as Watchers should keep a keen eye on regarding End-Times fulfillment. This book will explain why.

June 18, 2017

Can Turkey renovate its empire by the end of the Treaty of Lausanne 2023

October 3, 2020

'Erdogan is openly calling for re-establishment of caliphate in Turkey'

October 21, 2022

Syria and Russia sign agreement to rebuild ancient Pagan (Baal) temple arch

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Welcome, I'm Gerry

Gerry S. Sager, appreciates the depths of Scripture and finding ways to explain its mysteries applicable to end-times prophecies. His favorite Bible passages are Luke 11:9–10, and Proverbs 25:2, which have fostered his Christian growth and efforts to glorify God.

With Love,
Gerry S. Sager

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