Scripturally enlighten readers to End-Times truths.
Many of today’s End-Times perspectives are based on the understandings of eighteen-hundred-year-old writings which should be recognized as a direct contradiction to the scriptural sealing of the Prophet Daniel’s visions until the end-times generation. If we are that generation, it is time to find a fresh perspective scripturally hidden in plain sight.
Daniel 12:9 "He replied, 'Go your way, Daniel, because the words (Book of Daniel) are rolled up and sealed (Truths Hidden) until the time of the end.'"
A Fresh End-Times Perspective
Aspects of Jesus's complete nature were hidden from the Jewish people via scriptural misperceptions. Is today's church subject to similar perception challenges?
Read how today's church may be similarly challenged with End-Times misperceptions, and the scripturally hidden proof, that the gathering of Jesus's bride is Imminent.
Awake addresses the missing pieces of End-Times prophecy, and challenges present-day teachings based on tradition and ancient (early church) beliefs. If you've ever wondered when the Lord will return, this book provides a deeper understanding of the sequence of events leading up to it. It provides an in-depth look into prophetic scriptures, revealing the loving heart of God to foretell and fully prepare his Bride of his imminent return. See I have told you everything in advance (Matthew 24:25).
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About the Author
Gerry S. Sager
Gerry S. Sager, appreciates the depths of Scripture and finding ways to explain its mysteries applicable to end-times prophecies. His favorite Bible passages are Luke 11:9–10, and Proverbs 25:2, which have fostered his Christian growth and efforts to glorify God. Awake is for readers who seek to understand that which is scripturally hidden in plain sight, and are open to asking, knocking, and seeking God with all their hearts. Sager is well traveled, living and working in multiple countries for extended periods of time, from the Far East to the Middle East, Europe, Australia, and the Americas. He loves researching ancient history to better understand God’s word and sharing his findings with those who have an ear and wish to hear.